Positive and negative Freedom concepts striving in opposite directions for “Freedom, an unruly history” (“Vrijheid, een onstuimige of weerspannige geschiedenis”) by Annelien de Dijn.
As i was logging in and out of my compu in the hope to make my tablet work (🗡👹😫) i suddenly noticed a suspicious similarity with Miles Davis’ Bitches Brew cover (in color and composition, clearly the subject is another), which has been my desktop pic for months now👁👃🏻👁
I dunno if it was just a coincidence or indeed that was the resource my subconscious plucked a solution for when ruminating on an image for this story, but i love this idea of my subconscious working for me in the background.🍹
i imagine it as something similar to the operation the brain does when dreaming, mixing and remixing memories and overlooked moments, bringing up suppressed stuff from the past, reproposing neurosis and obsessions over and over (thanks brain!) and sometimes reshuffling all of the above into something that feels alien, strange, and interesting.
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